How To Make 20 Dollars Per Day From Amazon Affiliate Program ~ Make Money Online

How To Make 20 Dollars Per Day From Amazon Affiliate Program

Make Money QuicklyThe first thing you need to do in order to make money as an Amazon affiliate is start a website that is based on a general product. For this article we are going to use mens electric shavers as our product just so you can get an idea of how you can make money. Now that you know what you are going to promote and you have a website to promote it from you need to establish a goal and to start we are going to begin with 20 dollars. The reason I choose 20 dollars is because that should be around 4 items sold per day which means you will need to get around 200 website visitors to your site.

When it comes to making money online as an affiliate the first place most people go to see if it will work is Clickbank and that is their first problem. Most people go to Clickbank to find affiliate products and the biggest problem with this is they can’t find a product that converts well that is not being promoted by each and every affiliate marketer out there. My advice is to use Amazon as your affiliate program of choice and the reason is because you will be able to make more money a lot quicker this way.

How to set up your website

The first thing you need to do is setup your website and in order to do this you want to create a homepage that has 3 links to your Amazon affiliate page with all the different shavers on it. My suggestion is to make a homepage that is around 600-800 words in length and make it very appealing to read.
The next thing you will want to do in order to stuff your site with great content is write 10 more articles and make them each a different page. The reason why you need to do this is so people have more to read then just one 600 word article. What I suggest doing is on the bottom of each page you should put a link back to your homepage that way people will always be able to have a way to click on your affiliate link.
The final thing you need to do to your website is write at least 3 articles each week and post them into your websites blog. The reason why you need to do this is to keep search engines coming back for more content and to show people that this site is not stagnant and it has more than just what you read last week.
How to make 20 dollars per day
The very last thing you will need to do once your website is all done is write at least 5 articles each week for the first 2 months and submit them to article directories. The reason why you need to do this is to get some backlinks out there and to get some traffic flowing back to your site. What most people don’t understand about this method is that it all comes down to the unique content you are writing and the amount of articles that you put out each week. My advice if you want to make money quickly is to write more articles than just 5 per week, try writing at least 5 a day and see where that gets you.


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