7 Key Ways to Increase Your Google Adsense Income ~ Make Money Online

7 Key Ways to Increase Your Google Adsense Income

Let me share with you 7 key ways of increasing your Google Adsense income. Obviously you need to get more people to click on the links that you have on your site/blog. You have already researched your niche subject and worked out that the keywords pay reasonably well, so I am not going to go into that in this post. Once people are at your site you need to get them to click on the Google Adsense links.
Here are 7 key ways to increase the likelihood of someone clicking on a Google Adsense link on your site or blog and thus increasing your Google Adsense Income:
1. Make sure that you customise the colours and look of the Google Adsense code to blend in with the colours on your site/blog. I see so many sites and blogs that just put the Google Adsense code anywhere and they dont do anything with the colour scheme so the ads become an eyesore on the page. Most users these days are sick of ads as they get them on nearly every site.This is done within Googles site. Google gives you the choice of what colours to use. A very good way of making sure that you get the colours to blend in, is to use a program like Adobe Photoshop and by using its colour picker, you can get the exact colour code # to input into Google. Make sure the Adsense ads have the same background colour as your site or the place in your site that you will add the code. Try to also match the font colour with the surrounding pages colour.
2. Make sure you choose the Google Adsense format that blends well into your site/blog. Don't overdo it & put way too many links. You are probably thinking the more links the increased likelihood that someone will click on the link, but the opposite is usually true. If a visitor visits your site/blog only to be inundated by ads, the likelihood that the visitor will stay on your site dramatically decreases. The visitor is looking for good content/information about the topic they are interested in, they don't want to see a slew of ads.
3. A really excellent tip that has had a lot of success for me and many other internet marketers, is to add a picture next to each Adsense ad. Choose some small pictures that are related to the subject of your blog/site and add them next to each Adsense ad. This way the ads really blend into your site/blog.
4. Limit the number of Google Adsense ad blocks on any page/site. Once again, the last thing a visitor wants to see is a slew of ads all over the place. The maximum number should be two blocks of ads but really I think one is enough on any one page. You can, of course, have other ads from affiliate marketing programs or other banners on the same page as long as these are also blended in.
5. You can choose which ads are actually allowed to be displayed on your site. If you visit your site and it shows ads that are either from competitors or ads that you think would not be attractive to your visitors to click on, go back to Google's Adsense set up page and click on Competitive Ad Filter. In this page you can include a list of the domains that you do not want to see ads from. This can increase the clicks on your site especially if there are ads coming up for sites that aren't really related to the content of your page. This can happen if your sites content is a little confusing to Google's adbots. For example, I had a blog about debt consolidation & Google would sometimes display ads on how to consolidate your database, which was clearly not related to the subject and wouldn't get any visitors clicking on those links.
6. Use Google's Channel feature to track the success of your ads. Within Adsense Setup, you will notice a tab called Channels. This allows you to create different channels for each block of ads and on different pages/sites. You can track the success of how different ad formats on the same page, or different pages within your site or on different sites altogether. Using this tracking feature, you can then eliminate or modify the ads that are not working well for you and spend more time on the ones that are. This is a very important part of Google Adsense success but so many people are not using it.
7. A lot of people are missing out on some extra revenue that can be gained by including Adsense for Search on their site. Essentially Google allows you to add a search bar on your site that either searches the web, or both your site and the web. Any web results that come up through searches on this Google Search bar from your site, are actually paid ads and pay you money if users click on those links.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com


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